Can You Lose Weight with Nigella Sativa?
Nigella sativa, also known as black cumin, black seed, kalonji and haba al-barakah has been in the news lately due to being advertised as a weight-loss miracle oil.
Nigella sativa was never meant to be used primarily for weight-loss, it is a miracle herb for MS, diabetes, migraines, asthma, hair loss and even as a parasite cleanser, but "weight-loss?" However Nigella sativa does have anti-inflammation properties and will increase your metabolism and even has some anorexia properties. Nigella Sativa for Weight-Loss Prophet Mohammad stated, "There is healing in Black Seed for all diseases except death.” Although when most think of this very important statement, few think of weight-loss as a disease, but it could be and is for many. Obesity is a major cause of disease in the world. Obesity may cause:
be headed for a life of misery and pain. This article is about how to be well again with Nigella sativa.
After careful studying of the many options and eliminating of some of the quack diets, I will show you what works and in my estimation what is the best way to lose weight naturally. Please keep in mind that no herb can make you thin if you eat like a pig after taking the oil mixture. It is my sincere hope that this article will inspire you to have hope, a changed lifestyle and a memory of the days when you felt hopeless. Allah sent this miracle cure and now we must see how best to use it to fit your needs.
After careful studying of the many options and eliminating of some of the quack diets, I will show you what works and in my estimation what is the best way to lose weight naturally. Please keep in mind that no herb can make you thin if you eat like a pig after taking the oil mixture. It is my sincere hope that this article will inspire you to have hope, a changed lifestyle and a memory of the days when you felt hopeless. Allah sent this miracle cure and now we must see how best to use it to fit your needs.
Various Recipes Available on the Web for Weight-Loss Using Nigella Sativa
If you believe first that Nigella sativa is a miracle herb and can heal all disease except death, then why is any other ingredient necessary? I will show you a few recipes people are using and then show you the case studies and how they helped people lose weight. 1. The man with the 6 pack abs and the woman on You Tube both used the same exact recipe.
He states to take this mixture 1/2 hour before breakfast and before sleep. This is exactly RIGHT! The directions here I agree with, but why cinnamon? What benefits does cinnamon have to increase your likelihood of success or is the cinnamon just used to improve the flavor of the drink? The truth is cinnamon has many benefits and can be used to stabilize blood sugar and thus help with weight-loss. Read: Benefits of Cinnamon 2. Another website has a recipe they want you to use and I feel more and more are trying to step the recipe up a notch to ensure weight-loss and sell their own products. In this website, they are asking you to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice first thing in the morning and then swallow 3 to 5 mg of kalonji seeds. After that you are asked to eat some honey. Kalonji is a native seed to India. The best honey to use is raw honey and the best type of honey is Manuka honey, but not required. |
Case Studies Involving Nigella Sativa and Weight-Loss
When considering which plan will grant you the ultimate weight loss consider what educational or government studies have reported. Sadly there are very few case studies on the effect of Nigella sativa and weight-loss. There were two studies reported -- One was in Jordan and another one in Indonesia. The one in Indonesia reported: A double blinded, placebo controlled experimental clinical trial was carried out in Indonesia, on adult men with central obesity which aimed to study the efficacy of Nigella sativa in central on serum free testosterone, body weight, waist circumference, blood sugar, lipid, uric acid, adiponectin, hs-CRP, and side effects [64]. A dose of 1.5 gm powder of Kalonji (in two capsules) was given twice a day for three months, which resulted highly significant reductions in |
body weight, waist circumference and systolic blood pressure, however reductions in fasting blood sugar, serum free testosterone, diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride and cholesterol-HDL, SGOT, SGPT, uric acid and hs-CRP were not significant probably due to smaller dose of Nigella sativa used in this trial.
The study used 1 1/2 grams of the seeds or approximately 3/4 teaspoons of ground seeds. In this group, no water, no cinnamon and certainly no lemon juice was used.
In another case study, results were seen on diabetic patients after two months. In the beginning results were seen as minor, but after 2 months increased weight loss was noted. In a menopause study the weight loss was seen to be 5% and improved more after day 11 and through day 21.
The study used 1 1/2 grams of the seeds or approximately 3/4 teaspoons of ground seeds. In this group, no water, no cinnamon and certainly no lemon juice was used.
In another case study, results were seen on diabetic patients after two months. In the beginning results were seen as minor, but after 2 months increased weight loss was noted. In a menopause study the weight loss was seen to be 5% and improved more after day 11 and through day 21.
More Research
Unique qualities of Nigella Sativa are its anti-obesity properties and ability to prevent and treat metabolic syndrome, a common side effect of prolonged obesity. According to John Thomas of Health Impact News, “Researchers identified obesity as being the most prevalent health problem affecting all age groups. It leads to chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, and stroke.
Researchers reviewed the abstracts for 33 scientific articles related to obesity, herbal medicine, and traditional medicine. They found that black seeds, green tea, and black Chinese tea had anti-obesity effects.”Studies have also shown that black cumin seed, taken daily, will maximize the health benefits of exercise, particularly in combating obesity and the side effects of obesity, giving those who are working towards healthier lifestyles more bang for their buck.In a particular double-blind study, a group of clinically obese patients were given black cumin seed, while the others were administered a placebo; all participated in aerobic exercise three times per week.
After eight weeks both groups showed improvement in total cholesterol and VO2 max; however the patients receiving black cumin seed showed a greater improvement in the same areas in addition to a reduced fat-to-muscle ratio. “The researchers concluded that the combination of 8-weeks of aerobic training and Nigella sativa supplementation had a synergistic effect, and the combination of black seed consumption and aerobic training produced the greatest health benefit,” reported Thomas.
Black cumin seed oil also promotes heart health by improving the condition of arteries, decreasing arterial pressure, and improving overall function of the cardiorespiratory system.
In addition to maximizing benefits of exercise and providing anti-obesity benefits, black cumin seeds offer an array of health benefits. The “miracle” seed has gone down in history as a cure-all, super vitamin, cancer fighter, and immune booster. Black cumin seeds can be taken two to three times per day with raw honey and capsule or oil form.
Unique qualities of Nigella Sativa are its anti-obesity properties and ability to prevent and treat metabolic syndrome, a common side effect of prolonged obesity. According to John Thomas of Health Impact News, “Researchers identified obesity as being the most prevalent health problem affecting all age groups. It leads to chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus type 2, and stroke.
Researchers reviewed the abstracts for 33 scientific articles related to obesity, herbal medicine, and traditional medicine. They found that black seeds, green tea, and black Chinese tea had anti-obesity effects.”Studies have also shown that black cumin seed, taken daily, will maximize the health benefits of exercise, particularly in combating obesity and the side effects of obesity, giving those who are working towards healthier lifestyles more bang for their buck.In a particular double-blind study, a group of clinically obese patients were given black cumin seed, while the others were administered a placebo; all participated in aerobic exercise three times per week.
After eight weeks both groups showed improvement in total cholesterol and VO2 max; however the patients receiving black cumin seed showed a greater improvement in the same areas in addition to a reduced fat-to-muscle ratio. “The researchers concluded that the combination of 8-weeks of aerobic training and Nigella sativa supplementation had a synergistic effect, and the combination of black seed consumption and aerobic training produced the greatest health benefit,” reported Thomas.
Black cumin seed oil also promotes heart health by improving the condition of arteries, decreasing arterial pressure, and improving overall function of the cardiorespiratory system.
In addition to maximizing benefits of exercise and providing anti-obesity benefits, black cumin seeds offer an array of health benefits. The “miracle” seed has gone down in history as a cure-all, super vitamin, cancer fighter, and immune booster. Black cumin seeds can be taken two to three times per day with raw honey and capsule or oil form.
Conclusions on Weight-Loss Using Nigella Sativa
Case studies showed that taking cinnamon was not necessary, BUT cinnamon has many good benefits and that option should be up to the individual. Mixing the oil in water is hard to do and it is my belief that mixing the black cumin oil in the juice of 1 orange would reap more benefits than trying to mix honey, oil and cinnamon together. The Prophetic way to take black seed was with the use of raw honey and the seeds crushed, so here are my suggestions:
1. Mix 1 teaspoon of oil in a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice (1/2 cup maximum) or
2. Mix 1 teaspoon of oil in a small saucer combined with 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey.
Take this remedy twice a day. The first dose must be taken 1/2 hour before breakfast and the second before sleeping. Make sure to not have eaten 2 hours before bedtime, so you go to bed on an empty stomach. A healthy diet and exercise program should be used in conjunction with this plan. The easiest mode of exercise is on a mini-trampoline. Read: Rebound on a trampoline to flow lymph and fight disease
My ultimate suggestion is that it is better to combine the cinnamon with the honey and thus mix the honey mixture with the oil to get its maximum affect and then drink a full 8 ounce glass of water after the oil is taken. Wait 1/2 hour before eating anything and maybe more. My recipe for energizing honey is the easiest way to do this as it contains cinnamon, ginseng, bee pollen and more black seed oil. You would be getting the absolute most for your diet plan.
Case studies showed that taking cinnamon was not necessary, BUT cinnamon has many good benefits and that option should be up to the individual. Mixing the oil in water is hard to do and it is my belief that mixing the black cumin oil in the juice of 1 orange would reap more benefits than trying to mix honey, oil and cinnamon together. The Prophetic way to take black seed was with the use of raw honey and the seeds crushed, so here are my suggestions:
1. Mix 1 teaspoon of oil in a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice (1/2 cup maximum) or
2. Mix 1 teaspoon of oil in a small saucer combined with 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey.
Take this remedy twice a day. The first dose must be taken 1/2 hour before breakfast and the second before sleeping. Make sure to not have eaten 2 hours before bedtime, so you go to bed on an empty stomach. A healthy diet and exercise program should be used in conjunction with this plan. The easiest mode of exercise is on a mini-trampoline. Read: Rebound on a trampoline to flow lymph and fight disease
My ultimate suggestion is that it is better to combine the cinnamon with the honey and thus mix the honey mixture with the oil to get its maximum affect and then drink a full 8 ounce glass of water after the oil is taken. Wait 1/2 hour before eating anything and maybe more. My recipe for energizing honey is the easiest way to do this as it contains cinnamon, ginseng, bee pollen and more black seed oil. You would be getting the absolute most for your diet plan.
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Here at the Nigella Sativa Center we have tried to give you healthy information to help you take control of your destiny and improve the lives of your loved ones. Each article is researched by the best writers and medical professionals in the industry.
All articles are scientifically based and up to date with the latest research. You will find we have resources at the end of the articles or have numbered and imbedded links to click on for further research on your side.
At no time is our informational articles to be taken as medical advice or a medical consultation. If you have a serious medical condition always consult your local physician and get properly diagnosed when ever you are in doubt. There are some however who want to know their alternative choices.
Here at the Nigella Sativa Center we give the best highly researched information available on Nigella Sativa, also known as black cumin, kalonji and haba al barakah.
You can read our full GDPR Privacy Policy here and full disclaimer.
The entire website is fully copyrighted 2019 - 2021 and may not be copied without my permission in writing.
All articles are scientifically based and up to date with the latest research. You will find we have resources at the end of the articles or have numbered and imbedded links to click on for further research on your side.
At no time is our informational articles to be taken as medical advice or a medical consultation. If you have a serious medical condition always consult your local physician and get properly diagnosed when ever you are in doubt. There are some however who want to know their alternative choices.
Here at the Nigella Sativa Center we give the best highly researched information available on Nigella Sativa, also known as black cumin, kalonji and haba al barakah.
You can read our full GDPR Privacy Policy here and full disclaimer.
The entire website is fully copyrighted 2019 - 2021 and may not be copied without my permission in writing.